In the years following his work on Hellsing, Kouta Hirano’s kept quite busy. In 2009, he began work on the manga series Drifters, which plays with the idea of time travel by placing great historical figuresย into the ultimate battle for survival.
The latest issue of Young King Ours magazine (May 2015) announced that an anime adaptation of Drifters is in the works, and that the series is currently in the planning stages.
As of press time, no further information is available.
Driftersย revolves around real-life soldier Shimazu Toyohisa, who is mortally wounded at the Battle of Sekigahara. As he walks from the field bleeding from a mortal wound, he’s swept into a world of magic, where he and countless other famous warriors are forced toย clash in an endless battle.
In 2013, the series received an OVA short, which was bundled with the final volume of the Hellsing Ultimate OVA series in 2012.
Source: Esuteru
Update (3/27/2015):ย
Rondo Robe updated an official website for theย Drifters anime series. There are still no details on the series yet, but the site does promise videos in the near future.
In addition, the company uploadedย the show’s first key visual, which you can check out below: