It seems that the Monogatari Series is entering its final chapter.
Well, kind of.
Recently, a display at Tokyo’s Shosen Book Tower store began advertising an anime adaptation of NisiOisin’s Owarimonogatari. The three-volume title will be presented as a TV series, which will hit Japanese airwaves in October.
— マウノウ (@maunou777) July 7, 2015
Rough Translation: Owarimonogatari getting a October 2015 TV anime! Shosen Book Tower
Last week, animator Hiroki Kazui listed the series in her work history, noting that she had contributed to the title this year. Specifically, Kazui indicated that she created storyboards for Monogatari Series Final Season Owarimonogatari.
In addition, earlier today, Monogatari fans received a few festive hints regarding the long-delayed Kizumongatari film. Bakemonogatari Series Director Tatsuya Oishi, along with other members of SHAFT, left tanzaku (small paper strips, onto which people write their wishes) on bamboo plants in Akihabara Station. Oishi’s message, specifically, reads “Fighting fiercely.”
My favorite strip is the SHAFT employee who left an ecrypted code to tell Oishi to persevere on Kizumonogatari.
— kViN 🌈🕒 (@Yuyucow) July 7, 2015
Kizumonogatari was originally scheduled to hit Japanese theaters in 2012. Oishi was originally supposed to direct the feature.
Source: Otakomu