Close-up of a girl with red hair, who smiles at the camera.


State of the Herald: Dawn of the Next Era

It’s hard to believe, but we’re already halfway toward our fourteenth anniversary. With the holidays behind us and the winter anime season well underway, I can’t help but be excited for what’s to come in the next few months.

But, that’s not why I’m here today. On the contrary, if you’re here, you can already tell that things are a bit different.

Well, a lot different.

We’ve been talking about this for a while now, and I’m pleased to announce that Anime Herald’s redesign has officially launched. Hand Design Co. a design firm operated by Chris Brailsford and Yatta-Tachi owner and Editor-in-Chief Katy Castillo, has done an amazing job in crafting a new style that is clean, accessible, and undeniably “us.”

Logo depicting a hand holding a quill pen tip with an eye on it.

Text: "Hand Design Co. - Dynamic duo who specialize in Design & Development."

They were ideal partners for us, as venerable members of the greater anime community, and as folks with whom we’ve worked numerous times in the past. But more than that, they brought a keen eye for detail, unparalleled professionalism, and a genuine desire to build not only a good design, but the right design for us, and do so as transparently as possible. 

Through the development process, they were outstanding partners, who worked tirelessly toward making this project a success. But, beyond that, they were valuable friends, who were happy to put my worries at ease when development kicked into gear.

So, today, more than any other day, I’d like to extend my sincere thanks to Katy and Chris; you’ve built something that exceeds our wildest hopes, and I’m immensely grateful for that.

I would also like to thank our backers on Patreon and Ko-fi; your moral support and your camaraderie have been invaluable as we pushed forward with this project. I often say that we wouldn’t be here without our supporters, and I stand by that. But, beyond that, I thank you for your patience. This has been a long time coming, and I am excited that we’re able to finally share it with you.

Things We’re Still Working On

Pardon Our Dust

If you’re going through older articles, you’ll undoubtedly see a few with some garbage embedded as shortcodes. These were generated by the previous framework, and we’re in the process of cleaning them up. As of now, we have 44 remaining in the cleanup queue.

The Missing Pieces

Articles from a few of our more experimental columns: “The Skye’s The Limit” and “AniWeekly”, have been deleted, due to their heavy reliance on the items highlighted in “Pardon Our Dust.” We apologize for their removal and did not take this decision lightly. However, to restore them would require a full rebuild of every single article in the archive, which would have taken an estimated four months to complete at our current pace.
Moreover, we have also removed the “Reviews,” “Book Reviews,” and “Press Releases” sections from the navigation, as these are officially archives; they will not be updated going forward, but we are leaving the articles up, as they’re a valuable part of our history.

Our Latest Financial Report

The most recent financial report will be released for Patreon patrons and Ko-fi backers next week.

About the author

Samantha Ferreira

Samantha Ferreira is Anime Herald’s founder and editor-in-chief. A Rhode Island native, Samantha has been an anime fan since 1992, and an active member of the anime press since 2002, when she began working as a reviewer for Anime Dream. She launched Anime Herald in 2010, and continues to oversee its operations to this day. Outside of journalism, Samantha actively studies the history of the North American anime fandom and industry, with a particular focus on the 2000s anime boom and bust. She’s a huge fan of all things Sakura Wars, and maintains series fansite Combat Revue Review when she has free time available. When not in the Anime Herald Discord, Samantha can typically be found on Bluesky.

Anime Herald

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